Category: Blog


The race is the reward

When I stood at the start of the 2022 Cape Town Marathon, it felt to me as if everything that I had done since 7 February 2017 – rejoining Weigh-less, starting to run, losing 80kg, going for therapy, writing a book, joining a running club, working with a coach – had all accumulated to one […]

Mart-Mari Breedt 


Ek wil jou iets van introspeksie vertel: dis nie maklik nie. Dis nie ‘n antwoord of iemand wat sê daar is jou probleem, en wanneer jy dit weet dan kan jy daarop ‘n pleister gaan plak en dit word gesond nie. Nee. Introspeksie is moeilik. Dis ure lank in jou eie geselskap sit en dinge […]

Mart-Mari Breedt 

Die (On)Natuurlike Goed

Ek sê soms vir my hardloop afrigter: “Dit voel vir my asof al die ander hardlopers hierdie hardloop ding heeltemal bemeester het. Hoekom sukkel ek so? Hardloop is dan tog iets wat natuurlik moet wees.” En sy sal antwoord: “Dis nie waar nie. Almal sukkel! En om goed te kan hardloop is iets wat mens […]

Mart-Mari Breedt 

Die beste is nog op pad

My jongste het gisteraand by ‘n maatjie oorgeslaap. Haar maatjie se mamma het foto’s aangestuur van die feestelikhede en ek het vir ‘n hele rukkie na die glimlaggende graad 3 gesiggies in gedagte gestaar. Hulle lewenspaaie is nou al vir ‘n paar jaar al verweef – van babasentrum tye, na voorskool en later laerskool. Daar […]

Mart-Mari Breedt 

How I started writing

I didn’t come to write, I believe, in the same fashion other authors did. I’ve never attended literature school – although I love languages and have always enjoyed reading. When I started therapy, the first in-depth discussion point between myself and my therapist was the relationship between my sister, who committed suicide, and me. My […]

Mart-Mari Breedt 
3d book display image of Eighty Kilos of Shame

Interested in how I lost my emotional weight?

“Once a fattie, always a fattie.” Right? Can you recover from obesity? Is it possible to maintain a weight loss of eighty kilograms?