Limiting beliefs
At a recent business update session, as a motivational talk, we discussed limiting beliefs, which made me think of something I wrote in ‘My First Marathon Training’:
“There are two things I believe about myself and running: I don’t have it in me to run the second half of a long run faster than the first. I cannot run much faster than I currently do.”
Originally, I considered the above two beliefs as just me being realistic (which is also important to be from time to time). But after our business update session, I can now see they were limiting beliefs, as I’ve since proven both wrong and for a long time, I was scared to, for example, start a long run cautiously to finish it stronger. That is the problem with limiting beliefs. They prevent us from trying.
The following are common limiting beliefs:
Fear of failure: Because I am scared of what will happen when I fail, I don’t dare to try.
Remembering past failures: Perhaps I was brave enough to try something in the past, and didn’t succeed or had an undesirable outcome; now I cannot bring myself to try it again.
I’m not good enough: My skills, talents, or experience are not adequate or worthy enough. There are so many others better than me. Why waste my time trying? (Something I often find myself doing is checking the expected pace for a track session and, knowing that I cannot run at that pace yet, demotivate myself.)
It’s all or nothing: If I cannot do something perfectly, then I might as well not do it at all.
Imposter syndrome: I am not a writer/presenter/influencer/etc. I am a mom and a software developer. I should stick to what I know and am experienced in. Personal growth and change are not possible for me.
It is too late: The thing I’d like to do is going to take too long. I don’t have time to do it or I am not willing to wait that long. Or the opportunity to do it has already passed.
Fear of rejection: What will other people say when I do this? I am scared of being criticised or rejected.
I’m not lucky: The whole universe conspires against me anyway. I can never seem to catch a break.
What are your limiting beliefs, and what have those beliefs stolen from you?