Wednesday, 30 November 2022
For the third consecutive week, my Wednesday training brief is a 60-minute run with a 20-minute faster finish.
The first time I attempted this session with a mindset of: I always fail when attempting a faster finish, but I’ll try… I didn’t mess it up completely, but I ran out of oomph when it mattered.
The second time I tried rectifying some of my previous mistakes. I reckon I ran that session rather well. My split graph resembled a faster finish, even though I was still in the red zone and not meeting the last 20 minutes’ required pace.
Today I focused on pushing even more effort into those last 20 minutes. I now have an even neater split graph and just-just managed to finish in the green zone. Today I ran more comfortably. I focused on a higher cadence instead of longer strides.
Next week I’d like to remain in the green zone more comfortably.
I love this weekly challenge. Most of my running sessions are easy runs during which I watch my heart rate and try to keep it low. I enjoy them too. But it is nice to have this weekly session to test me.
I only compete against myself and am busy winning the version of me that believes I cannot finish fast.