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Mart-Mari Breedt  

In the Thick of Things

Currently, I find myself deep in the trenches of marathon training, experiencing a touch of deja vu. At this point, the excitement of signing up has long faded, and the reality of the hard work that the challenge demands is all too real. It’s hard not to ask myself: “Why did I sign up for this again?”

Marathon training demands everything I’ve got—and then some. And the demands on me aren’t just physical. With four children writing tests, completing assignments, and partaking in Eisteddfod practices and performances, swimming galas, cycling tournaments, and school concerts, I juggle more than I often think possible. The days blur together in a whirlwind of activities, leaving little time to rest and recover, which I desperately need to keep up with my training.

It’s tough right now. The pressure of maintaining my training while trying to be there for my children in all the ways they need me (and be the best wife, friend, employee, or other role I can be) feels overwhelming. It’s tempting to let the frustration take over, to give in to the voice that says this is too much, and then roll over and sleep a little longer after my alarm has gone off. However, deep down, I know that real growth happens in these moments of struggle.

While immense, the challenges are temporary — there’s a finish line (and a school holiday and tapering) ahead. Whether it’s accepting help from a friend, taking five minutes to breathe and reset amidst the chaos, or focussing on only one workout or one day at a time, I must keep pushing forward.

It’s okay to acknowledge the struggle, though. It doesn’t make me weaker; it makes me human. By embracing the difficulties, I learn to navigate them with grace and resilience — well, I hope!

Just know that if you’re in the thick of it too, you’re not alone. The path may be tough, but the strength we find within ourselves and the support we gather from those around us make every step worthwhile.

Every time I find myself standing at the starting line of a race I’ve worked so hard to prepare for, I realise that everything accumulated to that point in time, and the gratitude of finally standing there makes me feel very emotional. And this year, I know, will be no different…

“Why did I sign up for this again?” I signed up because I never want to return to a complacent life again. I want to keep chasing the next goal and work towards the next dream — even if that means being in the thick of things now and then.

How do you cope when life feels too much to handle?

3d book display image of Eighty Kilos of Shame

Interested in how I lost my emotional weight?

“Once a fattie, always a fattie.” Right? Can you recover from obesity? Is it possible to maintain a weight loss of eighty kilograms?