Zone 50 Challenge
And it is a wrap!
What an incredible three days of running. Thank you RunZone and especially Graham Block.
Day 1 – 30 km
This was the race I needed to push myself in the most. I’ve never run 30 km, but we heard rain forecasts for the weekend, and I wanted to have the extra 10 km to play with if necessary.
Day 2 – 20 km
This was the most challenging route of the three days. If I never run this route again, it will be too soon. I could also feel the previous day’s 30 km and it was difficult to push through.
Day 3 – 10 km
This was mentally the most challenging day. I woke up to rain and was considering cashing in on the first day’s extra 10 km. I had to pep talk myself into getting up, dressing and showing up to run 10 km in the rain. At the start of this challenge, I committed to three days of running, and now that it is done I feel so chuffed and proud of myself.
(It was also a challenge to make that race number last for three days)